Before we are awake
Our bodies smile,
Knowing the colors and sounds
Of nature.
Trees so pure green
I smile like a 7th grader
At a surprise birthday party!
Bird sounds! Water dancing music!
Rocks piled here and there
With a grace
Engineers can’t comprehend.
And, finally breakfast
Joyously slopped together
Over an open fire
Just the way boys know!
Then, a walk with my dog
Along the river, doing
Just what men and boys know best!
--Kurt Kristensen
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"Then, a walk with my dog
Along the river, doing
Just what men and boys know best!"
Sounds like a fun camping experience, especially for men, boys and dogs.
"With a grace
Engineers can’t comprehend"
Seldom does one think of engineers and grace in the same sentence. Your pairing here is unique. Sounds like camping with you would be fun!